How to Make Your In-Person Results Announcement More Effective

We have missed out on many physical events over the past few years and making a smooth transition back to in-person events may involve some potential challenges.

As borders reopen and pandemic restrictions loosen, we expect to return to in-person events next year gradually. Below we hear from ICA Investor Relations experts some essential tips and practices on organizing physical results announcement that IROs should pay attention to.

Physical Attendance.

Having all presenting members of the management team attend the in-person results announcement is a gesture that shows how much they value the opportunity to have face-to-face interactions with investors and analysts again. It also ensures your company’s stakeholders know that management respects and is keen to learn what the market has to say about your performance.

Event Interpretation.

To have a productive results announcement that successfully delivers critical information to shareholders, analysts, and prospective investors, all participants must leave the briefing session with well-understood knowledge. By making sure your audience receives your messages in a precise manner, along with supporting IR materials in multi-language, the event will leave a positive and meaningful impact on your attendees.

Insightful Commentary. 

We also encourage management to shed as much light as possible on the company’s overview discussion and financial results during the presentation and Q&A. Maintaining transparency of information, such as providing an update on the company’s upcoming goals and projects as well as discussing how the plans will impact the future financial performance of the company, can ensure your value proposition is clearly communicated. 

Networking Time.

We also recommend IROs set some time aside for networking while planning for the rundown of the results announcement. We know management has a hectic schedule with limited time; however, allowing attendees to connect with and have casual chats enable them to gain a deeper understanding of management through interpersonal exchanges.

Virtual Component. 

Including an online touch for your in-person events allows your stakeholders to participate in the briefing session from anywhere and acts as the safety plan for event planning. The virtual component allows you to have the flexibility to shift your entire event to a virtual format in the face of change in circumstances.

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